"Another Brick in the Wall" is the title of three songs set to variations of the same basic theme, on Pink Floyd's 1979 rock opera, The Wall, subtitled Part 1 (working title "Reminiscing"), Part 2 (working title "Education"), and Part 3 (working title "Drugs"). All parts were written by Pink Floyd's bassist, Roger Waters. Part II is a protest song against rigid schooling in general and boarding schools in the UK in particular. It was also released as a single and provided the band's only number-one hit in the United Kingdom, the United States, West Germany and many other countries. In addition, in the US, along with the tracks, "Run Like Hell", and "Don't Leave Me Now", "Another Brick in the Wall" reached number fifty-seven on the disco chart.
In the UK, it was Pink Floyd's first single since 1968's "Point Me at the Sky"; the song was also the final number-one single of the 1970s. For Part II, Pink Floyd received a Grammy nomination for Best Performance by a Rock Duo or Group and lost to Bob Seger's "Against the Wind". In addition, Part II was number 375 on Rolling Stone's list of "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time". The single sold over 4 million copies worldwide.
soze paichaze
1/23/2015 04:06:48 am
3/23/2016 12:43:34 pm
" Le jour ou j 'ai été voir le film , à la sortie je ne savait méme plus quel direction je devais prendre pour rentré chez moi , depuis THE WALL +++PINCK FLOYD ME QUITTE PLUS ACCRO
Stephen King
2/8/2015 12:48:40 am
The song was banned here in South Africa long after its release, when the then National Party the government of the day discovered that it was being used as a protest song by the township youths of the day. The government acted to late because us Floyd fans had already bought the album.
john skelly
2/18/2015 05:18:16 am
I became aware of Pink Floyd when I was 17 yrs of age. Strangely, without cheating and looking it up, I can't recall if it was Arnold Lane or Emily play that 1st caught my attention but from that moment on I was hooked. Floyd has been with me throughout the whole of my life. I have so very many thoughts and memories attached to this truly inspirational band. I guess it's true to say there are so few days you haven't been with me. Well aged 66, it's finally happened, I have developed a terminal blood disease. It is terminal, there is no cure and I have made peace with my maker. I am not afraid just a little sad 😔 that I will not be there to see my beautiful grandchildren reach full adulthood, achieve wonderful things, settle down and have families of their own. BUT I will have Pink Floyd throughout my funeral service sending me to places unknown. GOD BLESS YOU PINK FLOYD FOR BEING WITH ME ALL THESE YEARS. I love you all xxx
3/8/2015 10:56:47 pm
May the power of the infinitive light shine ur path to the eternal journey,....so the uu can build anther brick on that wall on the dark side of the moon!!!!☆♡☆♤♧○
3/28/2015 06:58:41 am
Sorry about that diagnosis...I hope you enjoy the rest of your days to their fullest, and continue to love and enjoy your family(and floyd too)!!!!
2/21/2015 04:29:35 am
Pink Floyd follower for many years.....love the fly
3/8/2015 10:58:35 pm
The wall we builded, it them must be broken?!
Fernando Luis Cimadom
3/13/2015 04:25:58 pm
Con seguridad , en muchas personas produjo un cambio. Un subjetivo desenlace desarrolló el entendimiento de mucha Psicología y el talento de los Pink. Muchos cambiaron la manera de ver las cosas. Gracias, FES 4/9/2015 10:14:24 am
I remember listening to this song over and over again.
4/13/2015 06:17:28 pm
Mon mari adorait les "Pink floyd", il est décèdé le 17 septembre, mon mari était un guerrier, il a lutté pendant 10 ans contre la maladie, 10 ans de souffrance,.épuisé par ce long combat ,la maladie a gagné. Avec les enfants pour l"accompagner dans son dernier voyage, nous avons demandé qu'on mette du "Pink Floyd" à la messe et au cimetière. Dernièrement, ma peite fille a chanté avec la choral de l'école une chanson des "Pink floyd", son papy aurait adoré la voir chanter... 4/14/2015 08:21:43 pm
eu adoro ,pink floyd, sou de 3-7-1978 gostava que voes viesses aos acores porque são ilhas lindíssimas e vos ião adorar.
4/19/2015 06:14:24 pm
Un Film Sublime (Une Brick Dans Le Mur De L'éducation Nationale)
5/11/2015 06:11:24 am
Pink Floyd music grew on me . my late bro played it a lot way back when I found it to be morbid .now I can't get enough of it
5/26/2015 11:46:02 pm
joan davis
7/14/2015 06:18:16 am
No Jethro Tull !!!!!!! Comments are closed.
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